Color Imaging Laboratory. Department of Optics. Office 140. Mecenas Building. Campus Fuentenueva s/n. University of Granada, 18071. Spain.
2023/11/16. New publication released in Journal of Cultural Heritage. "Unmixing-based cleaning methods evaluation for re-polychromated plasterwork".
2023/11/13. New publication released in Scientific Reports. "Dehazing in hyperspectral images: the GRANHHADA database".
2023/11/10. New publication released in Journal of Food Engineering. "Band selection pipeline for maturity stage classification in bell peppers: From full spectrum to simulated camera data".
2023/10/27. New publication released in Journal of Cultural heritage. "Unmixing and pigment identification using visible and short-wavelength infrared: Reflectance vs logarithm reflectance hyperspaces".
2022/11/09. New publication released in Micromachines. "Validation of a hyperspectral imaging system for color measurement of in-vivo dental structures".
2022/09/12. New publication released in Optics Express. "CVD-MET: an image difference metric designed for analysis of color vision deficiency aids".
2022/05/23. New publication released in Optics Express. "Long-term effects of blue-blocking spectacle lenses on color perception".
2022/04/08. New publication released in Optics Express. "Color vision deficiencies and camouflage: a comparative study between normal and CVD observers".
2021/10/03. New publication released in Sensors. "Band selection for dehazing algorithms applied to hyperspectral images in the visible range".
2021/02/01. New publication released in Sensors. "Eight-Channel Multispectral Image Database for Saliency Prediction".
2020/12/24. New video released by University of Granada illustrating the restoration of a celestial globe in which spectral images were used for the analysis of the piece.
2020/12/13. New publication released in Sensors. "Evaluation of cleaning processes using colorimetric and spectral data for the removal of layers of limewash from medieval plasterwork".
2020/11/23. New publication released in Sensors. "Single image dehazing algorithm analysis with hyperspectral images in the visible range".
2020/11/02. New publication released in Coloration Technology. "Is it really possible to compensate for colour blindness with a filter?".
2020/09/14. New publication released in Optics Letters. "Comment on: Metasurface-based contact lenses for color vision deficiency".
2020/04/03. New publication released in Sensors. "Spectral filter selection for increasing chromatic diversity in CVD subjects".
2019/12/13. New publication released in Vision Research. "Short-term effects of text-background color combinations on the dynamics of the accomodative response".
2019/12/07. New publication released in Sensors. "Spectral image procesing for museum lighting using CIE LED illuminants".
2019/10/08. New publication released in Heritage Science. "Spectral information to get beyond color in the analysis of water-soluble varnish degradation".
2019/08/09. New publication released in Journal of Cultural Heritage. "Colorimetric and spectral data analysis of consolidants used forpreservation of medieval plasterwork".
2019/08/09. New publication released in journal Color Research & Application. "Improving saliency detection by migrating from RGB to multispectral images". |
2019/06/30. Guest editor in the open access Journal Sensors, for the Special Issue: "Color & spectral sensors". Call for papers now open until march 31th 2020.
2019/06/13. New publication released in journal Optics Express. "Assessment of VINO filters for correcting red-green Color Vision Deficiency".
2019/05/14. New publication released in journal Measurement. "Framework proposal for high-resolution spectral image acquisition of effect-coatings". |
2019/05/10. Lecturer for Scientific workshop for Highschool students at Faculty of Sciences of University of Granada (Aula científica permanente). Topic: Curiosities about Color (COlor Constancy).
2019/04/10. New publication released in journal Optics Express. "Multifocus HDR VIS/NIR hyperspectral imaging and its application to works of art". |
2019/03/26. Publication accepted in conference Technoheritage 2019. Seville, Spain. March 2019. "Colorimetric and spectral data análisis of consolidants used for preservation of medieval plasterwork". Oral presentation. |
2018/10/29. New publication released in journal Optics Express. "Do EnChroma® glasses improve color vision for colorblind subjects?". |
2018/10/25. Press release about paper published in Optics Express. |
2018/10/10. Guest editor in the open access Journal Computation, for the Special issue: "Applications of Computation in Multispectral and Hyperspectral imaging systems". Call for papers now open until April 30th 2019. |
2018/09/11. Publication accepted in conference Hyperspectral Imaging and Applications. Coventry, UK. September 2018. "Analysis of ageing processes of paper graphics documents with different varnishes through hyperspectral imaging". Oral presentation. |
2018/06/03. Publication accepted in congress Reunión Nacional de Óptica 2018. Castellón, Spain. July 2018. "Registro en imágenes multimodales de escenas urbanas".
2018/05/12. Optical Ilusions activity organized in Science Park (Granada) with UGR students from Optics bachelor at 23rd anniversary of Science Park.
2017/11/16. New publication released in journal Optics Express journal. Image processing pipeline for segmentation and material classification based on multispectral high dynamic range polarimetric images. |
2017/05/13. Optical Ilusions activity organized in Science Park (Granada) with UGR students from Optics bachelor at 22nd anniversary of Science Park.
2017/03/28. Doctoral thesis defended. Final Grade: Summa Cum Laude.
2017/02/28. Doctoral thesis submitted in University of Granada. The date for the defense will be 2017/03/28.
2016/14/07. Winner of "Best Poster Award" at VISUM summer school (VISion Understanding and Machine Intelligence) organized by University of Porto (Portugal). |
2016/29/06. Poster ready for poster session at VISUM summer school (VISion Understanding and Machine Intelligence) organized by University of Porto (Portugal) in July 2016. |
2016/04/15. Accepted as participant in VISUM summer school (VISion Understanding and Machine Intelligence) organized by University of Porto (Portugal) in July 2016. |
2016/04/10. Publication accepted in congress Light and Color in Nature. Granada, May 2016. "A database of Multispectral High Dynamic Range Polarimetric VIS+NIR images of outdoor scenes". |
2015/12/11. Short article about our research work in the filed of spectral imaging and HDR imaging published in Esfera Magazine #5. This number of the magazine commemorates the International Year of Light. |
2015/10/28. Invited speaker for the Chiba Vision Seminar. This seminar is hold in University of Chiba, Japan. A group of students and professor with different backgrounds (vision science, color engineering, image processing), join to present a discuss one topic. The title of the talk is: "High dynamic range scientific imaging. Advantages and limitations". |
2015/09/19. Invited speaker at the International Symposium on Foundations of Visual Information hold in Odaiba, Tokyo.
2015/09/11. Moved to Chiba, Japan, for a three months and a half internship in Horiuchi & Hirai Lab. at University of Chiba.
2015/08/08. Invited as Powerful Young Researcher to the International Symposiumon Foundations of Visual Information. The meeting will be hold in Odaiba, Tokyo, Japan, on September the 19th 2015. The title of the talk will be: High Dynamic Range Multispectral VIS+NIR Imaging Techniques for Out-of-the-lab scenes.
Master CIMET ranked 1st in a ranking of official master programmes done by Spanish press. |
2015/May/19. Participation in AIC 2015 Midterm meeting in Tokyo, Japan. Presentation of a method for Exposure time estimation for general purpose High Dynamic Range Imaging.